Jill E. Thomas


White Affinity Group Facilitator

Always with students at the center, Jill E. Thomas has been a strong advocate of changing systems and habits within schools to allow teachers to be better resourced and joyful in their work.

She believes strongly that healthy teachers who are doing the work of unpacking their relative power and privilege lead to more equitable outcomes for students.

You can find her writing on the topic at Learning for Justice, Edutopia, EdSurge, and Medium.


  • Identify with white skin privilege

  • Mostly have a similar identity of growing up in mostly white environments

  • Mostly be currently working in education systems where the majority of young people are not white

  • Comprise a high percentage of cis-female identified people

  • May find a difference amongst religious, class, and sexuality/gender identities, etc.

  • Bring a willingness to learn that is greater than the desire to look good or get it right

  • Bring a commitment to develop understanding and practices in the service of dismantling the systems of white supremacy within our locus of influence